LSHG Summer Term 2020 Update on seminars, newsletter & activities
The Institute of Historical Research is currently closed and we are not able to hold seminars at the moment. Apologies to those who were planning to attend the last seminar of the Spring Term on Monday 16 March, Rhys Williams on Tom Mann in Australia, which I cancelled at short notice but I think prudently so. We plan to re-arrange the seminar for the next time Rhys, who is based in Australia, is in the UK.
The summer term LSHG Newsletter is here - see this comment piece on Covid-19 and these two reviews of works relating to the Cato Street Conspiracy of 1820 and London during 1848 - perhaps a little later than usual as there are no seminars to publicise. It is hoped to resume seminars from October 2020 but obviously it is too early yet to be definite on that. We have a number of papers and speakers on a waiting list!
A range of virtual socialist history activities currently being undertaken and details of these are probably best checked by following the London Socialist Historians twitter account @LSHGofficial and by visiting our website, where every issue of the Newsletter back to 1997 is now on-line at our index
You will also find, sadly, a brief appreciation of Neil Davidson who died on 3rd February. Neil was associated with the LSHG for over 20 years:
Finally there are some socialist history podcasts available on the IHR website. Below is a link to a seminar John Newsinger gave in November 2017 on Orwell and the left:
and a link to Kevin Morgan on The Left and the Cult of the Individual, an ever present source of discussion!
There is plenty for socialists to be doing even in times like these but history remains a vital context to current events.
Keith Flett, LSHG Convenor
The Newsletter - Letters, articles, criticisms and contributions to debate are most welcome. Deadline for the next issue is 1 September 2020 - please email Keith Flett on the address above for more info about contributing and the society.
On Edward Said and Late Style
2 hours ago