From LSHG Newsletter #63 (Spring 2018).
William A. “Bill” Pelz
A brief obituary by Patrick Quinn
and Eric Schuster
Bill Pelz, a well-known socialist activist and prolific
scholar in the field of European and comparative Labor
History died at the age of 66 in Chicago on Sunday, 10
December, 2017, following a heart attack.
Bill was born
into a working class family on the South Side of Chicago.
After graduation from high school he became a bus
driver, "but later lowered my expectations and became
an academic historian".
An SDS member for a brief time before its demise, he
joined the Chicago branch of the International Socialists
(IS) at the beginning of the 1970s and soon became one
of the best known leaders of the Left in Chicago.
He was an early member of the Red Rose Collective,
along with historians Mark Lause and David Roediger,
and later a long-time member of the New World
Resource Center.
Both were radical Chicago book shops and important
local organizing and information centers. He helped
organize Chicago's first Rock Against Racism concert,
and later joined Solidarity, served as International
Secretary for the Socialist Party USA, and was the
Chicago Political Education Office for the Democratic
Socialists of American (DSA).
Bill became s Chicago-based academic scholar and
professor of history and political science, first at
Roosevelt University; then DePaul University, where he
was Director of Social Science Programs; and for the
last 20 years a popular and award-winning faculty
member at Elgin Community College.
He received a history PhD from Northern Illinois
University, where he studied with Marxist Historians Meg
and C.H. George, completing a dissertation on the German
Revolution and the Spartakusbund. He founded and led
the Institute of Working Class History, co-founded the
International Association for the Study of Strikes and
Social Conflicts, and helped edit the Encyclopedia of the
European Left. Bill also served on the board of the Illinois
Labor History Society, which oversees the Haymarket
Memorial and the Haymarket Martyrs’ Monument.
As a scholar Bill produced many books and articles,
including A People's History of Modern Europe (2016),
Karl Marx: A World To Win (2011), Against Capitalism:
the European Left on the March (2007), The
Spartakusbund and the German Working Class
Movement (1989), and Wilhelm Liebknecht and Germany
Social Democracy: A Documentary History (2016). Also
of note, Bill edited the Eugene V. Debs Reader (2000)
(2007), with an introduction by Howard Zinn.
For many years Bill published film reviews in Film &
History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and
Television Studies.
At the time of his death A People's History of the
German Revolution had been completed for Pluto
Press. He also served on the editorial board for The
Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, and co-edited a
forthcoming volume in that series.
Generations of workers, students, and leftists in Chicago
looked to Bill for inspiration, good humor, generous
friendship, and political curiosity. The international
academic community widely admired his commitment to
revolutionary principles, and in that milieu he was
known as a careful, serious, and rigorous historian.
He will be sorely missed. He is survived by his wife, Dr.
Adrienne Butler. A memorial service for Bill will be
held in Chicago in January 2018.
A version of this obituary will be also be published in Against the Current.
Edited to add: A Memorial for Bill Pelz will be held in Chicago on 28 January 2018.
Obituaries may be also read here:
and on
If you would like to submit a brief note to be read aloud at the Memorial,
please submit it by January 21 to this email:
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