From LSHG Newsletter #63 (Spring 2018)
When the Nazis
came for the Left
KL: A History of the
Nazi Concentration Camps
By Nikolaus Wachsmann
ISBN 978-0349118666
Abacus 2016
Wachsmann, in this extraordinary minutely researched
tome, addresses many of the myths and misconceptions
that have grown up over who were the victims of Nazism
as well as the contradictory and shifting impulses behind
Concentration Camps (CCs). This review will focus on
these narratives, rather than the minute and distressing
details of how the CCs operated. This book provides us
with a warning from history.
What is regularly forgotten is that the SA and SS’s first
enemies were socialists. Himmler was obsessed with the
left. On the night of the Reichstag fire in February 1933,
many leading Communists were detained.
Within 3 days of the ‘election’ in March, 1933, 5,000
Communists were arrested; in March- April alone, 40-50,000 political opponents were taken into ‘protective
The SA/SS trashed ‘town halls, publishing houses and
party and union offices and hunted down political and
personal enemies’.
The focal point was ‘Red Berlin’ but
the SA/SS did not just come for the leading
revolutionaries: the KPD had built close local links with
sports clubs, artistic circles, humanist groups etc.
All were seen as ‘terrorists’. ‘Up to 200,000 political
prisoners were detained…in 1933.’ Indeed the first camps
were constructed for Communist prisoners where hundreds
lost their lives in 1933.
The hatred of the Nazis towards
Communists was so overwhelming that, as revealed in a
footnote, Soviet POWs were the only nationality in the
camps where Jews were not separately listed.
Although many of the early political prisoners were
eventually released (though those who didn’t get out of
Germany, were picked up again first in 1938 and, if still
alive, again in 1944 with deadly consequences),
Communists still accounted for about 80% of camp
inmates in 1934 and were the main focus for the sweeps
of 1935. In 1936, 3,694 of all the 4,761 concentration
camp inmates were political prisoners. Even by mid-1938,
the majority of inmates were classified as political
Other groups were also targeted, for example some
Christians, in particular Jehovah Witnesses with their
‘passive resistance’, ’homosexuals’ and later ‘roma'.
Significantly, despite serious harassment, in the early years,
German Jews only constituted about 5% of those detained.
The group whose fate is particularly illuminating and who
are rarely acknowledged are the ‘asocials’: the
The Nazi’s treatment of Communists
provided the model. By the end of 1938, ‘asocials’ made
up 70% of the entire prisoner population, forming the
largest group in the camps up till the beginning of the
war. From 1938, their death toll in CCs rocketed ( not to
ignore the continuing use of sterilisation and the later
deadly T4/euthanasia programme).
There was a ‘reason’ for the Nazi’s repression of the
What Wachsmann brings out is the increasingly
economic- as opposed to ideological - imperative of Nazi
decision making. The camps were expanding in number
and size and increasingly under the control of the SS.
‘Asocials’ were seen as workshy: non-productive. This
proved their death warrant.
The camps were increasingly seen as contributing to the
SS economy, using forced or slave labour. No room to go
into detail here but between 1938 and 1945, CC inmates
were used in many of Germany’s commanding industries
and in the last couple of years in the war were used
extensively in preparing for and creating armaments.
Indeed, though Wachsmann does not provide figures
presumably because none are available, millions died
because of hard labour -and starvation, maybe more than
were deliberately exterminated.
It was prisoners’ workability which drove the decisions
about who was to live, whom to die.
We are all familiar
with how people in one of the queues at the camps were
going to be sent straight to their deaths. But this is an
even more telling than we recognise.
Prisoners were seen as potential slaves: if the work killed
them, which it usually did, there was always another
consignment of prisoners being delivered. Indeed, the
original supply were the tens of thousands of Russian
POWs - and as Slavs as well as Communists, they were
doubly ‘sub-humans’.
But as the war turned against Germany and the Russian
prisoners had almost all been worked to death, it was the
‘sub-human’ Jews who were seen as their natural
replacement and who were put onto convoys from the
ghettoes and prisons across Europe to the camps. (Even
by 1943, most European Jews were still in ghettoes, not
camps.) Wachsmann suggests that one reason for the
Jewish inmates’ exceptionally high death toll was that so
few were accustomed to physical labour.
While Nazi policy towards Jews has been heatedly
debated, Wachsmann highlights that before 1938, few
Jews were taken to the camps and of those who were,
most survived. But after the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom,
there was mass incarceration of Jews, firstly from
Austria, although many, if not most, were subsequently
released. The Nazi policy at this point was not
extermination but expulsion: Jews were encouraged to
leave eg to Palestine, although Wachsmann suggests,
this was as much to get hold of their property as for more
ideological reasons.
Only when that failed, was the policy to push them East
and incarcerate them in ghettoes.
Even when war first
broke out, in theory, ‘productive’ Jews were exempt
from imprisonment. As Wachsmann explains, ‘Nazi
Germany did not follow a preordained path to extreme
terror’. The death camps were not an inevitability.
But from 1939, the camps changed drastically: the level of
violence and terror increased as did the number of camps.
The language had irrevocably shifted. Communist agitators
were singled out for ‘eradication’.
Political prisoners were
again one of the first groups of prisoners to be chosen for
special punishment, particularly those picked up in France
who had fought in the Spanish Civil War.
It was Germany’s takeover of Poland, the first of their
‘racial’ wars, which pushed racial/genetic stereotypes up
the agenda. Many Poles were sent to the camps where
they were regularly executed and subjected to extreme
labour, especially in Auschwitz.
A figure which deserves
more attention is that about 6 million Poles perished
under the Nazis, almost all civilians, about half of whom
were Jewish. Massacres were becoming commonplace.
Jews in the camps were now becoming a prime target. But
mass gassing was yet to come. Victims were in their
dozens, not even hundreds. The transition to systematic
mass extermination did not occur till late 1941/early 1942,
when thousands started to be gassed.
The first large scale
gassing was of course of Soviet POWs in Auschwitz.
Auschwitz is the camp we most associate with the
Holocaust and the mass killing of Jews, deported from
much of E. Europe, especially Poland, accelerating in
1942. But Auschwitz was not just about murdering Jews.
Many ‘non-Jewish’ Poles were also sent there, especially
oppositionists, as well as Soviet POWs.
But Auschwitz was also the hub of the SS forced labour
programme, the SS’s desperate attempt to boost war
production, increasingly stressed as Germany’s position
deteriorated from late 1942. The plan was to produce
armaments, including the V2s, and repair war damage. In
January 1943, Himmler ordered the police to deliver
some 50,000 prisoners to the camps for slave labour, in
particular Jews to Auschwitz.
This led to a rapid rise in
the camp population from 1943. Many were already weak
or sick and over half died ‘naturally’. But the
contribution of camp labour to the war economy
remained marginal. Yet these manhunts continued till the
very end of the war. It is terrifying that the number of CC
inmates was at its highest point in January 1945, when
everybody knew Germany had lost.
So Auschwitz represents one of the contradictions at the
heart of Nazism; between the ideological goal of
destroying the untermensch - and using those fit enough
to work to further Germany’s economic interests. But
Wachsmann argues that for Nazi hardliners, the goals
were not inconsistent: economics and extermination were
two sides of one coin as it was ‘only’ people not fit to
work who were exterminated.
But the increase in camp numbers in 1944 and 1945
cannot be reduced to Himmler’s drive for slave labourers.
As defeat loomed and especially after the unsuccessful
attempt on Hitler’s life, ‘Operation Thunderstorm’ first
dragged in any remaining leftie and foreign resistance
fighters. But it was from this point, in 1944, that more
Jews – from France, Holland, Slovakia, Greece and Italy
and of course later from Hungary - were sent to the
camps than ever before.
This is not the place to explain that tragic escalation,
which Wachsmann anyway only suggests. He considers
many factors, none sufficient: the switch of line at the
time of the Wannsee conference, the shifts in the Nazi
policy, the role of the T4 doctors, the need to ‘top-up’
the SS’s ‘work to win’ slave programme, the lethal
‘hysteria’ of some camp commandants and leading Nazis
faced with defeat: Himmler stated in April 1945 ‘No
prisoner must fall alive into enemy hands.’
Today, we need to learn from the Nazi catastrophe. The
rhetoric of the right today is racist and xenophobic. But,
but have no doubts, if a ‘neo-Nazi’ government holds
power, we will be the first of many of its victims.
Never again!
Merilyn Moos
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