The LSHG in 2016
We are into the third decade of socialist history seminars at the Institute of Historical Research (we started in 1994) and I’m pleased to say that there remains no shortage of new socialist historical research to put on in these seminars.
In the spring of 2015 the proceedings from our 2011 conference on a History of Riots were published by CSP. During the first part of 2016 a book from our 2013 conference to mark the 50th anniversary of EP Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class should be out, also from CSP.
For 2016 we are planning on 30 April an event to mark the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising. A few weeks later in May 2016 we will be running an event to mark the 90th anniversary of the 1926 British General Strike.
Both should be a showcase for new research in these areas.
It would be fair to say that this is not being done elsewhere, although as our website underlines there is a welcome level of activity in the general area of socialist history.
I’m hoping that we can expand the newsletter to facilitate more discussion, debate and critical comment during 2016.
Contributions are genuinely welcome and as with the seminar, the LSHG Newsletter is now one of the longest running such bulletins currently active.
The election of Jeremy Corbyn, a long standing supporter of the LSHG, as Labour leader might hopefully lead to a Labour Party that is rather less agnostic about labour and working class history than it has been, at least from the arrival of the New Labour era.
But just in case we plan to continue holding the (red) flag for socialist history and most importantly new research into it.
Keith Flett, LSHG Convenor, December 2015
Spring 2016
All seminars start at 5.30pm on Mondays in Room 304, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St London WC1.
Free without ticket.
Monday 25 January
Rosie MacGregor:
The Life of Angela Gradwell Tuckett [Tuckett was the first female solicitor in Bristol, a pilot, England hockey player and Communist Party activist.]
Monday 8 February
Katrina Navickas:
The Politics of Public Space in Nineteenth Century England
Monday 22 February
David Drake:
Paris at War, 1939-1944
Monday 7 March
Ben Lewis:
Clara Zetkin, Letters & Writings
The Newsletter
Letters, articles, criticisms and contributions to debate are most welcome.
Deadline for the next issue is 1 April 2016
The Group
We receive no official funding and rely entirely on supporters for money for our activities. To become a member of the LSHG, send £10. (cheque payable to ‘Keith Flett’)
Contact us
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