Saturday, 15 September 2018

The Christopher Hill Memorial Lecture

The inuagural Christopher Hill Memorial Lecture - Saturday 3 November, National Civil War Centre, Newark Museum - facebook details here:

Sunday, 2 September 2018

LSHG seminars - Autumn 2018

Below is the London Socialist Historians Group seminar list for the autumn term 2018. All seminars take place on Mondays at 5.30pm the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St, London WC1. Room 304, third floor (lift available!)

London Socialist Historians seminars: Autumn 2018

8th Oct Rupa Huq MP: From lecture room to Parliament: ‘From theory to practice : the difficulties of transitioning from teaching society and politics in the lecture hall/seminar to “doing “ it in Parliament.”

22nd Oct Marika Sherwood The beginning of the Cold War in Ghana (Gold Coast) in 1948

5th Nov John Newsinger The Other Spirit of '45: War, Empire and the Attlee Governments

19th Nov Daryl Leeworthy Labour Country: Social Democracy's Roots and Possibilities.

3 Dec Keith Flett 50 years since the Pelican paperback of The Making of the English Working Class. Still relevant?

Free without ticket