Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Anti-war perspectives on the First World War

1914-2014: One Hundred Years of War
London Conference • Bishopsgate Institute
Saturday 25 October • 12 Noon - 5pm

• Adam Hochschild • Priyamvada Gopal • Neil Faulkner
• Jeremy Corbyn MP • Seumas Milne • Lindsey German

Organised by the Stop the War Coalition and No Glory - see


Saturday 1st November 2014
Venue: Conway Hall, London
11am to 4.00pm Admission free
‘Class cohesion and spurious patriotism: trade union internationalism in the First World War’
Professor Kevin Morgan
Kevin is a historian of British Communism and the left whose latest book is ‘Bolshevism,
syndicalism and the general strike: The lost internationalist world of A.A. Purcell.
(Lawrence & Wishart 2013)
‘Imperialist Rivalries and the Origins of the First World War’
Stan Newens
Stan, a former MP and MEP, is President of the Socialist History Society and a keen
historian who recently published his autobiography, In Quest of a Fairer Society.
‘So Bloody Much to Oppose – grassroots opposition to World War One’
Keith Flett
Convener of the London Socialist Historians Group, Keith is a prolific letter writer and
author of Chartism After 1848: The Working Class and the Politics of Radical Education
(Merlin 2005).
German Women and the First World War
Dr Helen L Boak
‘Down with the war! We don’t want to starve any longer': German working-class women
and the First World War
Dr Boak will discuss working-class woman’s perspectives on the war covering attitudes to
the outbreak of war, their experiences during the war and the ramifications of the war
for women in the early 1920s. Author of Women in the Weimar Republic.

York: The War to End All Wars? The Anti-War Perspective
Saturday 1st November 2014
Priory Street Centre  • Priory Street  • York
This day-school in York aims to provide an alternative to government plans for a 'celebration of the national spirit'; to counter romantic, populist, nationalist propaganda, and bad history which serve to facilitate future wars; and to offer explanation in place of commemoration.

Sessions and Speakers:

  • The Suffragettes and the War Lindsey German
  • Imperialism and World War One John Rees
  • The Anti-War Movement and the Great War Cyril Pearce
  • Revolution and the End of the War Donny Gluckstein
  • Ireland and World War One Charlie McGuire
  • Industrial Unrest, the First Shop Stewards' Movement, the Labour Movement,& the
    Chris Fuller
  • World War One in the Middle Ease: The Legacy Steve Cox
  • The Other War Poets Owen Clayton
  • Official Commemoration, War Memorials and Private Mourning in York Martin Bashforth

See also the lecture series in London - 'Stop the First World War - advertised previously on this site here:

Saturday, 27 September 2014

The Commune of Paris in Camden

An illustrated talk by Deborah Lavin, author, academic and historian.

At the time the International Working Men's Association was meeting at 256 High Holborn, Karl Marx lived in Camden.

Thursday 9 October, 7.15pm (doors open 6.45pm), at Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre, 2nd floor Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobald's Road, London WC1X 8PA.  Admission free.

Sunday, 21 September 2014