London Socialist Historians Spring Term 2014 seminars
Saturday 25th January:
Conference: The First World War- imperial war to class war. From Midday, Woburn Suit [G22/26]
Monday 3rd Feb 5.30pm Sheila Cohen, Notoriously Militant, trade unionism at Fords Dagenham, Bloomsbury Room G35
Monday 17th Feb 5.30pm Eoin O’Cearnaigh , Big Flame 1970-1984. A history of a revolutionary socialist organisation ,Torrington Room 104
Monday 3rd March 5.30pm Hakim Adi, Pan-Africanism and Communism, Bloomsbury Room G35
Monday 17th March 5.30pm Ted Crawford - Dona Montefiore and World War One, Room G21A
All seminars take place at the Institute of Historical Research, South Block, University of London, Senate House, Malet St, London WC1. Please contact Keith Flett at the email above for more information.
Hong Kong and Black British Labour Party Politics
38 minutes ago