The latest issue of the LSHG Newsletter (No. 40, Autumn 2010) is now online here, and features among other things an editorial suggesting the role historians can play in the fight back against Tory cutbacks, a book review of 'Breaking Their Chains', more from Tim Evans on the 1911 railway strike in Wales. The deadline for contributions to the next issue is 1 December 2010, and letters, articles, criticisms and contributions to debate are as ever most welcome.
The LSHG receive no official funding and rely entirely on supporters for money for our activities. For details on how to contact us, or if you want to become a member (£10 membership) contact our convenor Keith Flett at 1 December 2010 is also the deadline for abstracts for those wanting to contribute to the annual conference in February on 'Making the Tories History'. Our forthcoming seminars are as follows:
Autumn LSHG seminars
Monday 18th October
Sabby Sagall 'The Nazi and Armenian Genocides: A Comparison'
Monday 1st November
Paul Pancras 'Notwithstanding rights & freedoms. Pierre Trudeau & Constitutional Renewal' - now postponed.
Monday 15th November
Steve Cushion(Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London)'The working class in the Cuban Revolution, 1952-59'
Monday 13th December
Jessica Fenn, 'The abolition of the dock labour scheme in London 1989: Industrial relations theory and practice'
All at 5.30pm, the Pollard Room, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London. All welcome.
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