Marx Memorial Library
Spring 2010
All lectures start at 6.30pm. Entrance £1 (50p Concessions)
Monday 29th March 2010:
Pushkin, the Russian Autocracy and Rebellion
Professor Robert Chandler, the author of a recent book on the greatest of Russian poets, looks at the politics of Pushkin. In particular, he examines the Decembrist movement which led to Russia’s first revolution and the interplay between the intelligentsia, the army and wider society in the thrall of tsardom. The poet Robert Chandler is the translator of Pushkin's highly vaunted miniature "Dubrovsky”, and the brilliant melodrama, “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”. He is also a leading figure in the SCRSS.
Monday 19th April:
Ghost Dancers - The Last Generation of Miners: Lecture and Book Launch
David Douglass launches his new book “Ghost Dancers – The Last Generation of Miners” is a definitive history of the great coal strike of 1984/5 that explodes prevailing myths around that epoch period, and corrects the inaccuracies of dozens of books previously penned by academics and journalists. Ghost Dancers is inspired by the last stand of the Native American Indians in their efforts to retain their culture and dignity, and the Durham Miners Gala as a mining equivalent of that same endeavour. This book records the last stand of the last generation of pitmen and their communities.
David Douglass is a long-standing well-known, member of the NUM in the Durham and Doncaster coalfield , a coalminer for 40-plus years and a branch official of the union for 25 years as well as a member of Yorkshire Executive during its most testing and dynamic period. He is a full member of the NUM and is still active in the internal affairs of the union, a published author and historian of the coal communities, as well as being one of its more public and well known representatives.
Marx Memorial Library
TEL #44(0) 207 253 1485.
FAX #44(0) 207 251 6039
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